Fundraising for Families Affected By Childhood Cancer

Contact Us

In our ongoing campaign to support children and families affected by childhood cancer, we've worked with many organizations and businesses to raise funds and support, and also create programs for these special children and their families. We're always looking for help with volunteer positions, financial backing, or gifts of needed supplies that help expedite our day-to-day operation and fulfill the needs of these families. 

Contact us today if you would like more information on how you 

too can fundraise for Leaps of Love.

Our Fundraising Events

We offer several functions throughout the year to bring awareness and needed funds to support childhood cancer survivors and their families. These fundraising events include:

January 5 LOL Winter Golf Scramble Kick Off
January 5-19 LOL Winter Golf Scramble
March 8 Clays for Childhood Cancer
March 15 Tow Bar's 10th Annual Stock Car & Hot Rod Fundraiser
April 17 Easter Bunny visit to Cardinal Glennon
May 8 Give STL Day
June 1 National Cancer Survivor Day
August 2-3 LOL Race Weekend
September 19-20 24-Hour Laps for Leaps
Share Your Love Program This is a year-long adoption program
Recycle Lid Campaign Recycling lids to make memorial benches
CFC 30203 Combined Federal Campaign

Gifts in kind

At Leaps of Love, we're proud to offer many events, retreats, outings, and special engagements that strengthen the familial unit of children and parents who face childhood cancer. For these events to run successfully, we require specific items on hand to service the families appropriately. If you'd like to join our efforts in supporting these families in need, please consider donating the following items:

  • Gift cards
  • Office supplies
  • Monetary donations
  • Toiletry and cleaning supplies
  • And more

Please note that we are unable to bring stuffed animals or used toys to the hospitals due to infection control reasons. Please contact the Leaps of Love office to make arrangements for your donation.

Donate Today!
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